
Farringdon Barrister Chambers

All information is available in alternative format upon request

Lay clients can be provided with a quote for direct access instructions to barristers for those members who are trained to undertake direct access work. Please click here for further information upon fees.

All members of Farringdon Chambers accept instructions from professional clients whether it be funded by legal aid or privately. Please contact the clerks to discuss further either via email or via phone 0207 089 5700.’We aim to provide any quotes within 14 days and if this is not possible for any reason we will contact you within this time period.

Fee rates/quotes for Private instruction can be provided upon request however, this will depend upon various factors including seniority of the barrister, nature of your case, time estimate of your case, amount of pages of evidence and location of your case. Generally quotes provided would include a brief fee, refreshers/daily attendance fees where your matter proceeds to a trial, and a set fee per hearing. Individual arrangements can be agreed in advance of instruction if required such as an hourly rate or a fixed, all inclusive fee.

The time your case takes to resolve may depend upon various factors such as court availability to list your case, the service of evidence provided by the other side involved in your case, counsel’s other professional commitments, the need to obtain further information and also intervening third parties. Time limits for work to be completed by counsel can be agreed upon instruction between you and your instructed barrister.

Latest News

Martin McCarthy KC secures only acquittals across the board in Murder & Firearms trial.

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Martin McCarthy KC leading Chudi Grant secured the only acquittals accross the board in a multi-handed Murder and Firearms trial...

Claire Davies KC leading Ioana Nedelcu Secure Acquittal

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Following a jury trial Claire Davies KC and Ioana Nedelcu secure swift acquittal for client charged with causing or allowing...

Successful application to dismiss submitted by Shusmita Deb

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Shusmita’s client was charged with affray.  Shusmita submitted a detailed skeleton argument focussing on how the evidence against the defendant would...

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  • Opening Hours
  • Monday - 8:30am to 6:00pm
  • Tuesday - 8:30am to 6:00pm
  • Wednesday - 8:30am to 6:00pm
  • Thursday - 8:30am to 6:00pm
  • Friday - 8:30am to 6:00pm